Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission VR Review: It Worked in the 80s for a Reason

Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission keyart

The idea behind bringing back decades-old franchises tends to be driven by nostalgia. Rather than exploring an old, innovative game mechanic, companies want to reinvigorate old IPs even when everyone else has forgotten them. That certainly seems the case with the mouthful that is Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission VR. Virtuallyz Gaming saw fit to bring back TAITO’s cult classic arcade game Operation Wolf from 1987, with all of its 80s gungho-ness and now cliched storytelling. As you find out in XR Source’s Operation Wolf Returns review on Quest 2, this recipe hasn’t stood the test of time.

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Operation Wolf Gets Reborn this Summer

Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission keyart

Remember all those classic light gun arcade games? Back in the ’80s, home consoles weren’t able to recreate the arcade cabinet feeling, despite trying their best. Modern hardware has long since surpassed the technology of these days, however, especially in the realm of VR. As such, it’s a pleasure to see one of the greats, Operation Wolf, making a comeback.

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