Toy Trains Multiplatform Arrival Planned for January

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There’s been a few VR game delays of late, such as Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable and Bulletstorm VR. Just like the rail services in the UK, Something Random’s Toy Trains has also seen a slight delay. Not by much, however, with a new Toy Trains multiplatform launch now taking place in January.

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Toy Trains Boarding Commences on Quest 2 in Q4 2023

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Building toy trainsets has been a pastime many people have continued from childhood to adulthood. But it does take up a lot of space. Solving that problem virtually is the upcoming game from Something Random. Toy Trains, a playful track-building title will be heading to Meta Quest headsets before the end of the year. It will also be available to play at this month’s Gamescom event.

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