Vampire The Masquerade Screenshot3

All the New VR Games Coming in February 2024 [Updated]

Now that January is out of the way we can start looking forward to the next of the year. And that means, of course seeing what exciting VR games are on the horizon. There’s a tasty selection of titles set to arrive in the next few weeks, especially for PCVR players. So here are all the new VR games arriving in February.

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Border Bots VR KeyArt

Border Bots VR Delayed Until 2024

Earlier this month, Paw Print Games announced that its upcoming game Border Bots VR was preparing for an imminent release. That launch was due to take place on 28th September for PSVR 2 and SteamVR headsets. Now the team has confirmed that Border Bots VR has been delayed until the new year to ensure a wider, multiplatform launch.

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