Devs United Games’ Real VR Fishing is one of the best VR sports games around. Great for anyone after a spot of fishing with or without friends, the studio recently caused a small furore amongst fans. Having announced the upcoming US East DLC the studio remarked that it would “complete your journey”. Many took this negatively, assuming the service would be shut down. Devs United Games CEO, Mark Choi confirmed this is not the case, but also made a surprising announcement. Two new projects are in the works.
Currently, the studio’s only game is Real VR Fishing, which has done exceedingly well. Released in 2019 for platforms including Meta Quest 2, the game has seen numerous updates and gained a legion of passionate anglers. So his reveal that: “We are working on two new projects which are called “Project Aqua” and “Project Haven”,” is an exciting one.

Real VR Fishing’s future
No further details have been given regarding either project but could the name “Project Aqua” hint at another fishing title? On the one hand, the studio may want to spread its wings and try something different. However, many dev teams working in sports do tend to specialise. As Devs United Games is clearly very good at providing a realistic fishing experience, why change?
As for the Real VR Fishing itself, the game’s September update will see it dubbed the ‘Complete Edition’. Choi explains on Twitter that it “will add many new features that we intended to add in our first release of the game.” That means the inclusion of a ‘Journey Mode’ where players will be given particular quests to complete. Other features will be unveiled in due course.
As for the communication mixup, Choi reiterated that: “US East DLC: This will be our last DLC for the US and maybe the last for RVRF. We are still undecided but we will give you a clear answer for you all hopefully before the end of this summer.”
I apologize for our unclear communication around the update, and I will make sure that we share information in a more precise and concise way,” he adds.
So Devs United Games isn’t abandoning Real VR Fishing. Like any studio, it wants to move on to new projects, winding down the amount of time it spends on previous games. Whilst still retaining a player base, of course.
We can’t wait to see what the team cooks up next. Are you a fishing fan, tell us your fondest angling moments.