Latest The Foglands Patch Addresses Enemy AI Issues and More

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It’s safe to say that Well Told Entertainment’s The Foglands didn’t quite meet expectations. The game originally appeared during a PlayStation showcase and looked like an exciting roguelike. It wasn’t, offering a rather dull FPS experience instead. But Well Told aims to fix those issues, announcing a new patch for The Foglands.

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The Foglands Review: Exciting as Pea-soup

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During the course of 2023, I’ve been looking for that one game that truly sells virtual reality. Some have come close like I Expect You to Die 3 and The Light Brigade but I’m still after something with panache. Well Told Entertainment’s The Foglands seemed to be a good contender as an atmospheric roguelike shooter. However, as this The Foglands review will detail, the experience gets caught up in its own gloom.

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