Wallace & Gromit Are Stepping into a Mixed Reality World on Quest 3

Wallace & Gromit: The Grand Getaway KeyArt

Posted on: 28 Sep 2023

One of the quirkier VR games we’re looking forward to this year is Wallace & Gromit: The Grand Getaway. Bringing the comedic claymation duo into virtual reality for the first time, it seems Aardman Animation and Atlas V are going one step further. During Meta Connect this week, it was revealed that the Wallace & Gromit game will feature a mixed-reality component for Meta Quest headsets including Quest 3.

Called Jamtastic!, the MR game for Quest 2, 3 and Pro headsets challenges players to stand in as Wallaceʼs very own contraption tester while he is away on his Grand Getaway. Given Wallace’s latest breakfast contraption, a hand-controlled Jam Cannon, the aim is to jam a torrent of flying toast. Whilst trying not to cover your walls.

Wallace & Gromit: The Grand Getaway

Jamtastic! will be included as a free addition to each purchase of Wallace & Gromit: The Grand Getaway. Whilst it supports all Meta headsets, it’s clearly designed to showcase Quest 3’s full-colour mixed reality capabilities. On Quest 2, you’d only be able to play in black and white.

Wallace & Gromit: The Grand Getaway is an interactive, narrative-led VR experience. Comprising 12 chapters, the creators say the runtime is between 60-90 minutes.

“In ‘The Grand Getaway’, holidays are in the offing for Wallace and Gromit. Sun, sand, and the chance to test out their latest contraption, Auto-Caddy. But Wallace has his dates mixed up – they have to be on the other side of the country in just half an hour!” says the original synopsis.” There’s only one thing for it… they’ll take the Rocket. But a mishap with the controls sends Wallace, Gromit and Auto-Caddy hurtling off course. Will this be a holiday to remember?“

Wallace & Gromit: The Grand Getaway doesn’t have a specific release date just yet. It’s due out by the end of 2023.

Can’t wait to step into the world of Wallace & Gromit? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Author: Peter Graham

Previously editor of XR news site VRFocus and founder and editor of Web3 publication GMW3, Peter has worked in the tech and video game industry for over 10 years. His expertise covers a critical understanding and reporting of the XR industry, video games reviews and commentary.

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