Horror Bar VR to Serve Up Zombie Specials on Meta Quest Headsets

Horror Bar VR keyart

Posted on: 11 May 2023

VR Factory has announced that Horror Bar VR is coming to Meta Quest headsets. A family-friendly zombie bar simulator, the game is designed to immerse the player into the role of a bar boss. Players will face various obstacles and serve craving zombies in order to progress and thrive.

Horror Bar VR sees players making burgers from a fresh brain or a still-beating heart. Serving a bloody drink in a glass full of frozen eyeballs. Serving hordes of thirsty and hungry zombies monstrous dishes and terrifying drinks, all as they race against the clock. What’s more, these undead customers aren’t easily pleased. While you’re hard at work many of them will attack you! You must fight them off whilst still performing your more earthly duties.

The game teaches the player different activities and recipes, and tasks them with performing to a schedule in order to proceed to further levels. Players can try the free mode or practice mode, and once ready can move on to the 33-level campaign that will test their mastery. The player will use ingredients such as brains, rats, and other body parts to complete the orders and satisfy their customers.

Horror Bar VR features numerous spaces and equipment, such as bar, grill and cooker. It promises a ‘realistic bar experience’ in the zombie world. And at the end of each day, the player can spend hard-earned money on upgrading the bar and buying sets of new, shiny equipment.

Horror Bar VR screenshot

Horror Bar VR Meta Quest 2 & Meta Quest Pro Launch

Horror Bar VR is already available for $19.99 USD on the Meta Quest Store for Oculus Rift and Rift S. It is also available for PlayStation VR, HTC Vive, and numerous other VR headsets.

The Meta Quest version of the game will offer a significant increase in content. According to VR Factory, this is increased by 40%, though no specifics have been offered. For the development of the Meta Quest version of the game, Przemysław Pomorski joined the team as a lead designer. Pomorski is a game industry veteran with over 16 years of experience and more than 20 projects published on all gaming platforms. Pomorski previously worked on Green Hell VR, and many non-VR titles.

Horror Bar VR will be available on Meta Quest 2 and Meta Quest Pro towards the end of the first half of 2023. No specific release date has yet been offered. 

Author: Kevin Joyce

Kevin Joyce has been a writer in the video games industry for more than 20 years, dedicated to XR for the latter half. He has launched numerous initiatives in the XR space, including media outlets such as VRFocus and AR/VR Pioneers, hackathons, marketing and community management organisation Tiny Brains, and not-for-profit educational platforms.