Kill It With Fire VR Spins Onto PSVR 2 Very Soon

Kill It With Fire VR keyart

Autumn brings with it shorter days, cooler weather and an influx of spiders as it’s their breeding season. If you’re not a fan of the eight-legged critters then you might take joy in Kill It With Fire VR. A game all about annihilating every spider in sight, it originally came to most VR headsets in April. In November, PSVR 2 owners will also be able to enjoy the chaos that is Kill It With Fire VR.

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Kill it With Fire Scuttles onto VR Headsets in April

Kill it With Fire VR keyart

Is any creature more universally disliked than the spider? They’re everywhere and yet most can’t stand to live with them, which is the entire pretence for Kill it With Fire. Originally released back in 2020 for PC and consoles, the spider-filled slaughter is coming to virtual reality headsets in a few weeks.

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