Videogame development is no easy task with most modern titles generally taking years of work. In that time a lot can go awry, design changes can drastically alter development or cash flow can mean features being cut to get a project out. Sometimes, rather than delays games can seemingly just disappear. Promising titles are quietly dropped by studios or are assumed to have been due to a lack of updates. Which made XR Source wonder, where are these missing VR games?
The Exorcist Legion VR: SIN
The Most Exciting PSVR2 Games to Come
February has arrived and that means the launch of PlayStation VR 2 draws ever nearer! Only three weeks to go in fact. You’ve probably seen some of the best PSVR2 games coming at launch and made a “most wanted list”. There are tons to get excited about for the near future, but what about during the rest of the year? Here’s our rundown of the most exciting PSVR2 games to come.