Around the same time that Apple launched the Vision Pro, Owlchemy Labs made its own announcement. Revealing that its popular VR games Job Simulator and Vacation Simulator were being ported to Vision Pro. The wait is now over, with Apple headset owners able to dive into the colourful worlds VR owners have been enjoying for years.
Job Simulator
Owlchemy Labs is Bringing its Two Most Popular Games to Apple Vision Pro
Apple has made it abundantly clear that its new $3500 headset, the Vision Pro isn’t designed as a gaming device. But that hasn’t stopped VR developers from porting their games across. The latest to announce plans to do so is Owlchemy Labs. Its VR games Job Simulator and Vacation Simulator are coming soon to Apple Vision Pro.
AstroBeam is a VR Multiplayer-Focused Studio From Job Simulator’s Creator
If there’s one game almost all VR fans are likely to have played its Job Simulator. Created by Owlchemy Labs back in 2016, the game still appears on PSVR’s monthly download charts. At the helm of the studio was co-founder and former CEO/CTO Devin Reimer, who left and has now announced his latest venture, AstroBeam. This is a new studio dedicated to VR multiplayer.
How Does a 7-Year-Old Game Still Dominate VR Charts?
The year was 2016 and after years of ever-improving developer kits, the time was nigh for the launch of consumer VR. We all know what happened next, Oculus Rift arrived first, then came HTC Vive followed by PlayStation VR. This wave of VR hardware was joined by plenty of innovative software, most of which has now been forgotten. However, one title, in particular, has weathered the years, outlasting all of its contemporaries; Job Simulator. But how has this seemingly innocuous game managed it, continuing to dominate VR charts in the process?